How to Build a Raised Bed Planter on a Budget- Part 4 Walk in Garden ideas

Here you will see you a few “walk in” Raised Bed garden ideas to inspire you for your own garden build. 


Walk in Garden design 1

·        The Exterior dimensions for this RBP garden is 17.5’ wide x 14’ deep.

·        It consists of (10) 2x4 Raised Bed Planters and (4) barrel planters located in the open corners.

·        This is a circular design with one opening, It contains 1 planter in the center and 9 planters enclosing it


·        This design gives you the flexibility of having 14 different containers if you need to maintain different soil conditions for a wide variety of plants.

·        Over 80 sq ft of Raised bed Planters



Walk in Garden design 2


·        The Exterior dimensions for this RBP garden is 12’ wide x 24’ deep.

·        It consists of (4) 4x10 Raised Bed Planters 


·        This allow 4’ wide cross shaped walk ways in between the planters

·        This design allows you 160 sq ft of Raised Beds that you can construct easily in one weekend.


·        4 Large containers allow for a substantial Sq Ft Gardening design with plenty of room to layout your plants/crops.



Up next in Part 5. we will answer some commonly asked questions and show you where to find any info you need for this project.


How to Build a Raised Bed Planter on a Budget- Part 5 FAQ & Resources


How to Build a Raised Bed Planter on a Budget- Part 3 Paint and Accoutrement