Empty Hands

A two words have come to mind more than once in trying to put together this information and resources for what is “ResourcefulMechanic.com”


It is the phrase “Empty Hands”.. I have tried to express it in the best way I can with these words below: 


“I come to you with only experiences,

these rough, empty hands.

 I have no great resources,

no gifts to give you. 


But in this time, this moment now,

should it be a matter of great importance

for you, for your family  or to help your neighborhood & community.

To build and grow. To THRIVE.

Then here are my resources, my gifts for you.

These rough, empty hands.”


Written by a Greaser/knucklehead that lives in a gas station or: “the Resourceful Mechanic”



Let’s work.

I am here for those that have a mission, an objective, a goal.

We know we can’t stop or stand around. I mean seriously… you know what it has been like this last year, and who knows what the future will bring..

I know what I will bring. I know what my mission is. 

I will push myself to learn and develop, so I can share with you the tools, that you will use to create some awesomeness in your life. I will show you what “YOUR HANDS”   are capable of.

I am here with you , I am here for you in this mission, this battle you may be facing. YOU CAN do this!

If you hang around here @theresourcefulmechanic, I will show you what you are capable of. This is the place, your place. Where we can. The home for the “We Can Do It Yourselfer”

Welcome home. Let’s work.



How to Build a Raised Bed Planter on a Budget- Part 1 Info. & Costs


the Resourceful Mechanic